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Topics - DuVeL

Counter-Strike / CS:GO weapon case
April 08, 2023, 06:14:06 AM
I got a tip from Musicfreak last week and he mentioned that in my CS:GO Inventory I still had a "CS:GO weapon case" which was currently going for a good ammount of money on Steam.
Maybe worth checking for any of you CS:GO players also:
Technology Section / Silent mouse and keyboard
October 16, 2022, 08:18:36 AM
Morning all,

I might be looking into getting a new keyboard and mouse and looking into silent ones due to the misses her misophonia.
Mouse and keyboard with cord as I find this easier (I forget to charge those buggers), any recommendations?
My mouse now is a Logitech MX518 as I find this fits my hand really good.

Greetings DuVeL.
It's my Birthday! / BrotherTobious (older)
October 01, 2021, 04:31:37 PM
It appears to be Brother Tobious his birthday today so I'm wishing you great day buddy!


I've just spotted this on the Interwebz:








And a picture off my beercabinet with some Lego:


Evening all!

I'm looking for a free program to add some pictures together as a movie and was hoping for some recommondations from you guys.
Movies, Music & Books / Roboshark
June 12, 2019, 11:12:29 PM
Right, I couldn't find the really cr#p section where we posted them all in but I have a new very cr#p movie for that list: Roboshark.


The storie: A great white bites a UFO aircraft in the Pacific and turns into a robo/shark hybrid.

EDIT: So sorry that I've posted this one, it's really cr#p....
Just got a little nudge from mini_King: Company of Heroes 2 now free on Steam  :flirty:
Warframe / Frame Fighter!
October 02, 2018, 10:59:56 PM
Anyone else have this already in the clan?
Man 'cements microwave to head' in Wolverhampton


Warframe / Plains of Eidolon and info on Eidolon Teralyst
November 13, 2017, 10:50:02 AM
I wanted to know a bit more about the Plains of Eidolon and such and found a good read through here:

Also a nice link about how to kill an Eidolon Teralyst:

I'm also trying to find some info on how to upgrade my operator and her Focus ( but don't understand completely yet how it works and could use some help with that.

Last but not least:
I'm currently building the final part of Gara, building the warframe will start tonight.
Warframe / Help needed with missions? Post here...
October 24, 2017, 11:18:02 AM
Help needed with missions? Post here!
As stated, if you need help with a mission or such, give  a shout here.
I'm currently trying to do "The Jordas Precept" but I'm a bit stuck on getting those Pherliac Pods (BP). About 15 runs in killing Infested Juggernauts but no BluePrint yet so any suggestions or help is welcome on that part.
I also need some help probably unlocking some more planet junctions.

See you laters Tenno
Technology Section / Gaming chair / desk chair
October 17, 2017, 11:50:45 AM
I'm looking for a new deskchair for gaming and wanted to know what people have. I'm looking for something in the â,¬100 - â,¬200,- range (might be a bit higher if it's worth it).

I saw Gunda had a nice chair at the LAN which seemed comfortable and had a good height (which I also need).
I know TeaLeaf had one posted a bit back also but I can't seem to find the post anymore.

Suggestions needed, thanks in advance!
Most important: Seating height...
It's my Birthday! / TwoBad (49)
October 03, 2017, 07:25:44 AM
TwoBad 49? Happy birthday sir! I hope you'll have some nice chicken dinner for your birthday...

Ark: Survival Evolved / Spare pair of hands part 2
September 18, 2017, 09:37:25 AM
As Pen posted it perfectly when the other maps were online:

Quote from: Penfold;415116Just a reminder that we're all ready and willing to help each other out as needed.

Sometimes people shout out when on the server and others come to do their bidding. It's a co-operative game and that is the part that many of us enjoy.

Be it needing a hand to gather some resources, struggling to place a ladder or deal with an errant Alpha, just shout and those on hand will come to help.

I know many of you enjoy doing this solo so just shout out for the bits you want help with. We do have players at wildly different levels but asking people to craft things for you is not a cheat, it's all part of being in the tribe. So if you're a few levels off crafting that saddle you've always wanted or think your life would be a lot easier with a sickle then do ask. One person simply cannot learn all the engrams so if you don't want to waste precious points learning something which will be used once then shout out. Someone else WILL have that engram and can help (best to have the mats ready).


I'd like to add to this also: If you see a nice level dino that someone might want to have and needs help with taming then give a shout. Some off the other players might be able to provide you with some kibble also for a quicker tame.
Ark: Survival Evolved / Ark dueling tournament
August 28, 2017, 09:00:49 PM
I challenge thee Oldiee to an old fashioned duel in the game of Ark to joust.


We start it off as a 1 vs 1, the winner can challenge Whitey, JAS, Snokio, Penfold or Sulky. Elimination!
Rules: the one that has been challenged can select either Alexander or Perseus (near where all the bears are parked), and on which gate (black or red) they start and also which chest they can open and use. Best out of 3 jousting rounds!
Bring the gear/outfit your wearing...

The one that wins it in the end gets the code of the WinnerWinnerChest. :flirty:

Winner first round sir OldBloke giving DuVeL quit a beating with 3-0. He can now challenge someone else from the list.
The Steam Summer Sale 2017 is here.

Give a shout when someone sees a good bargain/game again please. I liked the tips from people last year.

Currently on my list that's a buy maybe:
-Shadow Warrior 2;
-Sniper Elite 4.
Technology Section / Slight PC/monitor problem
March 08, 2017, 10:44:25 AM
Morning all, lately I've been having some problems with my PC/monitor.

Monday evening I started up my PC, all went good but then my monitor kept putting up the message 1680x1050 is the best to viewed at.
I've checked the settings and all were fine. After that the message kept popping up every minute so I decided to do a PC restart.
Then my PC would start up and close itself down after 30-60 seconds over and over. Decided to press and hold the power button so it would  close down completely.

As I had to make dinner I waited a bit and turned it on again and it was working fine again.
I've had this a few weeks back also one time but now I'm getting a bit concerned that I might have to see this as a warning.

Any suggestions what could be an issue/problem?
Specs if needed will be posted tonight if needed.
Technology Section / VArcade
January 13, 2017, 09:17:16 AM
VArcade, is this thing for real?:blink:


If so, I want one! :flirty:
Evening guys, I've booked a small holiday to Bournemouth and London for my summer holiday this year.

From the 29th of August up until the 1st of August I'll be around Ninja's place and from the 1st of August until the 3rd of August in London (that's when my flight back is).
Anyone up for meeting up in London around those days? Also suggestions for the best things to see are welcome.

Greetings, Pete a.k.a. DuVeL :flirty:
Faust, do you have this one yet?

