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Topics - Lameduck

It's my Birthday! / Windows -30 years old
November 20, 2015, 11:18:32 AM
Shocked me to see this on the Guardian Site this morning.
Where does the time go?
Suddenly remebered this

from Windows 95, the first time I saw a music video on a computer.
Have loved Edie Brickell ever since. and this song still haunts me.
Elite: Dangerous / Latest UP?grade
October 06, 2015, 08:23:00 PM
New download is not IMO an upgrade but retrograde. :ranting2:
Bugs which were cleared in the BETA are now back in, too many to list.
I've now taken  'Horizons' off my Xmas wish list, to see if things improve.
NetKar - Assetto corsa / Blindfury46
September 14, 2015, 05:41:23 AM
can someone nudge Blind and get him to do some housekeeping.:)

  • Blindfury46 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
I accidentally left VoiceAttack on whilst chatting to Arithon.
Who says I talk garbage?


Well Arithon understood me. :bleh:
Dead Men Folding / One off the Bucket List
February 21, 2015, 09:44:39 PM
:yahoo:Made the million points mark today and it only took me seven years :whistle:
​Sorry to say guys, but I've got to leave the fleet.
Original cost approx £75. Will accept any reasonable offer from dMw member before placing on open sale.

Origin 300i Ship
Origin Jumpworks GmbH (ORIG)
SelfLand Hangar
Starting Money: 2,000 UEC
4 Month Insurance
Digital Game Soundtrack
Digital Star Map
Digital Star Citizen Manual
Squadron 42 Digital Download
Star Citizen Digital Download
Beta Access
Alpha Access
Origin 300i Ship
Origin Jumpworks GmbH (ORIG)
SelfLand Hangar
6 Month Insurance
Look What I Found on the Internet / Now that is ART!
November 24, 2014, 10:05:51 AM
Puts Tracey Emin's work into perspective. Bernard Pras, genius.
NetKar - Assetto corsa / AC Support (so called)
November 13, 2014, 11:01:04 AM
I give up on Assetto Corsa. Downloaded the latest update and now the game wont even open. Contacted Kunos for support, their answer was to look on the support forum
for help. When you go there you get pages of 'dont post until you're sure the fault hasnt been answered before'. I haven't got 5 years to do that. research on the net shows that
folk are blaming it on M'soft update KB2670838, but according to my records I've never d'loaded that update. Very frustrating.
Technology Section / USB Foot Operated Switch
October 31, 2014, 08:44:34 PM
Bought one £6.65 from Amazon, as I'm running out of fingers using keyboard and joystick with all the new games.
Ideal as a 'press to talk' on teamspeak and be configured to any key, either as an single 'click'
or held down for the duration of speech. No micro switches to wear out, works by interrupting an IR beam.
Appeared a little flimsy, but withstood me accidentally standing on it.
Have also seen on Ebay for appox. the same price.
Elite: Dangerous / Beta 1.05 released
September 16, 2014, 06:59:52 PM
New upgrade today. Fixing bugs in 1.04
Wow, just d/l that and 1.06 comes along?
Downloaded new version today, and was in awe on the intro video. :) The new Merc/AMG looked absolutely fabulous and I couldn't wait
to test it. Selected car and track and set for practice, what a disappointment.
On the load screen, I noticed that the icons on the left hand only activated when the mouse was slightly above them.
Finally discovered that you clicked on the icon above the one you wanted to use.:doh: Figures.
Tried to select the apps on the right hand panel and there were no icons there, however I tried an experimental click and it displayed a
load of 'Geek' garbage on the left of the screen and despite trying to remove it by clicking the appropriate area on the 'invisible' apps panel
I only made it worse. Nevertheless I had a swift run in the new beast. Was unable find the invisible settings for PS feedback so could not
adjust steering FB. After  driving two corners the steering  suddenly stiffened up so much I had difficulty in moving it at all.
Tried the new version with different cars on different tracks. Just the same results. I'm fast becoming disillusioned with AS and this release
only compounds my feelings towards this sim. How can they release a version with so many obvious bugs?

EDIT Please ignore 2nd paragraph. Written by a bleedin' idiot.
Our Server / [RESOLVED] Phoney post with hidden link?
August 21, 2014, 01:10:52 PM
I had my browser jump to an outside website following reading a post from kHUBIAK.
Looks dodgy to me
Racing Sims / I'm sure peeps will want to try this
August 02, 2014, 07:15:56 AM
Queue here for a test drive
Jaguar encouraging 'safe' driving again?
It's my Birthday! / Atomant (56) (allegedly)
July 21, 2014, 07:40:54 PM
Happy birthday you old lapper, have a good day Wayne :hapbday::cheers::beer:
Scawen is apparently alive and kicking.
Version 0.6F is coming (faints):yahoo::yahoo:
Racing Sim Admins / Perszing96pl
March 29, 2014, 11:04:09 AM
Last night I issued a ban on this guy. This morning he is on our server again?
Anybody got an explanation?
Live for Speed / Great Racing
March 27, 2014, 09:30:08 PM
Oh how I thoroughly enjoyed racing on the server tonight where I managed to drive for a whole 25 seconds in the one hour race before being punted off.

Smokey the Bandit (Wizard DK) managed to hit CrazyR1 within 5 yards of the start, making Jamin swerve to avoid a collision and then collecting
Mr Turtle and Perszing96PL on his way to hitting the wall.
Perszing96PL managed to hit Hempy, CrazyR1 in the first 100 meters or so, before hitting
Gooner and then myself.

All this before we had even started braking for T1.

Wonderful, very fulfilling.
We're working on updates for LFS.

Can't say any more than that or we might get into trouble.

Goodbye thread!

Full thread
Our Server / [BAN HAMMER APPLIED] Ahoy thare
March 01, 2014, 09:31:15 AM
Spammer spotted off the port quarter'
It's my Birthday! / Its another Crazy Birthday
January 31, 2014, 04:24:20 PM
CrazyR1 has a birthday to-day. Happy birthday Andy :D :hapbday: :cheers: :thumbsup: