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Topics - Galatoni

It's my Birthday! / Chaos is older
July 16, 2024, 08:51:06 AM
Happy birthday! Hope it's a a good one!
It's my Birthday! / Jamoe (i'm not saying his age ;) )
January 19, 2023, 07:47:18 AM
Happy Birthday dude!
It's my Birthday! / Jamoe
January 19, 2021, 12:35:16 PM
Happy Birthday dude! Have a great day! :hapbday::cheers:
It's my Birthday! / Penfold (51)
January 14, 2021, 07:34:36 AM
Happy Birthday dude! Whatcha got planned?
Community Nights / VR/Halloween weekend 2020
October 12, 2020, 02:57:08 PM
With the 31st coming up and with everything else basically being cancelled, I wanted to test the water with regards to doing a few organised games with a horror vibe. Obvious favourites like L4D2 are obviously a good idea. But some others (VR, Non-VR and both!) are an idea.

Was going to suggest a little informal meeting over the Halloween weekend, so Friday 30th onwards. If people are interested, and indeed if the Community Admins say-so, make yourselves known and maybe make some suggestions. After a few games last weekend, Phasmophobia has been great. But i've also been playing a few VR zombie games too: (coop!) (which is usually on offer - an also coop)

Anyway. Let me know.
With interest appearing to be increasing (mainly because the game is actually becoming more stable) I feel now would be a good time to get (back) into Star Citizen. Those that have done one-or-two missions recently will be aware that there is significantly more to do, if not earn. This week especially is an expo in-game - Invictus.

Worth noting that there are now a few members of the dMw that can take you through your paces and get you flight-ready. Just takes a little patience. And if you're not wanting to get flying, just yet, we can quite happily give you a lift too :D
Technology Section / Help with ThinkBroadband output
March 17, 2020, 07:43:43 AM

I've managed to generate some broadband data (link above) and it appears to me that it's showing some pretty nasty latency spikes. I'm currently swapping my network hardware (the router supplied by them is pretty old now, so i'm replacing it) but it seems to me that this won't solve this problem. So my question is this... considering this is supposed to be a 100mbs line, and the problem with latency (up to the point i'm being disconnected from online games) is fairly new, how would you go about translating this to virgin to get them to do something about it?

I'm not going to lie, i'm having a hard time verbalising that data, and there's a good chance they won't let me email them since they prefer you to go through the awkward hoops of speaking to them online. Any help properly reading this would be appreciated.
Technology Section / Vive wireless woes
February 27, 2020, 09:50:08 AM
I've had a vive for a while now and got the wireless adapter about a year ago. To be honest - it's been a pretty good experience, but recently i tried to get to the bottom of a long standing bug. SO far, i've swapped everything that connects or can be connected to (bar the adapter itself) to no avail. I've even sent it back and i've been told it's not faulty. Thing is, i'm not alone in the problem. It happens like this:
* Be playing for about 30-40 minutes
* Screen disconnects
* Screen may or may not come back - reboot if not
* Continue as normal

I recently discovered that it's likely to be overheating and there's also a number of other people having same issue, but HTC seem to be running the clock down and are refusing the replace it. I might have to punt for a cooling solution, but I'd rather not if i'm honest since it's an issue with their product. I'm nearly out of the manufacturers warranty now.

Anyone else had/having any issues if they have this hardware?
dMw LAN XXXVI / Pay up!
October 13, 2019, 08:06:31 AM
Pay up! You have 24 hours!

I've been meaning to get back into things a bit more, but i'm aware that time is usually against me, so I came across this little gem ( while it was on offer. I'll summarise what I know, though i'm by far no expert:
* Kinda like Ark in terms of combat difficulty, pick a fight early on and you're fairly certain to be killed
* You start with basically all the tech by the looks of things, no engrams or high-tech stuff here
* You level your base skills (health, stamina, accuracy, melee) but not skill-skills
* Resource gathering is largely as you'd expect
* There's no quick way across the map by the looks of things. Travelling is done the old-fashioned way... by taming horses, running or running a caravan of wagons
* The game is just gorgeous! From what i've seen it feels very American old West. Snow gathers when it falls, more generously on certain biomes/altitudes etc... it's very pretty!
* NPC's in the game are in the form of random wildlife and gangs of bandits which roam around
* Apparently fishing is a thing - and it's fun.
* Taming is much more forgiving! And you can build proper farms and have a lasso just like a real cowboy
* Hunting is also a thing

I realise I'm probably flogging 'yet another survival sim' but for me this seems much more laid back with quite a bit of emphasis on building and team work to create settlements. Anyone interested?
Technology Section / Upgrade time!
July 14, 2019, 03:44:32 PM
Hi. I've been out the upgrade game for about 4-5 years, my current spec is this:
CPU: i7-4820k (3.7ghz)
GPU: 1070

I'm only really looking to upgrade the PSU (it's a bit old and simply needs replacing), CPU and RAM. I've taken a look at the bundles available for intel on Scan and spotted:!-d which seems reasonable. I've also spotted the Ryzen bundle for a not inconsiderable price difference! Obviously the intel variant is overclocked, I have to admit, i'm quite nervous about that!

So whats the craic these days? Intel vs AMD. Assuming that mental Intel Wigig bug has been worked out of AMD processors ( i'm not a brand snob, and would just like to consider my options from more experienced people. I'm certainly not adverse to building from scratch either, or indeed, grabbing components from elsewhere. The Ryzen 7 3700X is looking tempting!

PCIe 3 vs 4 is also an issue of course!
So. What is arguably being called the beginnings of the final game (debatable) is already under test. It will likely be in our hands towards the end of the month. This might be a good time to start organising some collective nights to try out the systems and to start working out the features. Between us we have the equipment, most definitely.

I have to admit now, I'm getting a bit threadbare in waiting for as long as it's taken now. But I'll save that for another thread. I just hope 3.0 feels like my expectations.
I've been looking at a game on Steam ( Its not really like anything i've ever seen before - that doesn't happen that often for me.

It's an MMO, that uses the persistence of a battlefield confrontation as its sandbox. Everything has to be constructed from supplies, which are recycled by players, delivered by players, and used by players. You even build the base structures. So I suppose its an MMO, RTS, 3rd person shooter?

Anyway. I'm considering having a look anyway, and its super cheap at the moment as well.
Firstly, a guide

After a pretty doomed (few) outings last night. Me and Lib managed to figure out quite a bit.

Firstly. The host can save. Simple but useful.

Secondly, bots can only be assigned by the captain. Bots are useful but a player is better.

Missions are optional. We picked up four last night that were offered to us. And they were much easier than anything else. Also they granted neat loot. All we had to do is travel through blue systems which were mostly friendly. The only combat one we against an ancient cargo ship. Easy.

The research ship should avoid combat... Badly! If it's the starting ship the team can upgrade by capturing another ship later. But that should be after they've got loads of upgrades.

Sent from my Swift 2 using Tapatalk
Just spotted a nice look cell-shaded survival/minecraft/icarus online/ game on my FB feed.

Its not out just yet, but its slated for a 2017 release and I think I may take a looksie.

Its on steam:

I've set up an alliance (guild) already: which I'm a member of currently. I'll happily hand this over though should it be picked up later.
Technology Section / Random drop. Help diagnosing
April 17, 2017, 09:24:54 AM
I was playing elite last night and the counter randomly switched off. No bsod. Not shutdown message. Just poof...

Now I'm not massively concerned just yet. But I'm always on the look out for symptoms of larger problems. The GPU is a heatsink modified 290x (kraken adapter for the Corsair water cooler) and the CPU is a watercooled i7. No recent hardware changes and no past of issues. It's not a new build so this could be just age. But with the recent windows update, I'm not ruling anything out.

Anyone have any ideas at this point, or am i just talking nonsense and i shouldn't worry?

Sent from my Swift 2 using Tapatalk
GTA V / Friday night casual
September 28, 2016, 07:27:15 PM
Just wondering if anyone fancies having another go on this on Friday maybe? Maybe wait until after the LAN now as people will be practising.
GTA V / Bikers
September 22, 2016, 08:05:26 AM
I must admit, I'm sceptical about this - but we'll see.

A while ago Rockstar announced they were extending the motorcycle aspect of their gameplay. A couple of days ago they announced:

I gotta admit, I like the bikes, so this is something that might interest me.

Anyone else having a look?
The Center and Scorched Earth / Swapping maps
June 10, 2016, 05:38:14 PM
Hey guys. I know everyone has been hankering for some news regarding the Ark server so here it is. After some discussion the admins have decided that it would be best if we make a shift to 'The Centre' map. We're hoping that this will take place in about a weeks time to give people the chance to get the map downloaded and to take the time to say a fond farewell to their creations/dinos on the existing map. This week should also give a chance to get together to summon the brood mother if you so choose to (anyone who has seen the videos will basically know its a death-sentence though!)

When the map does go live, the central floating island will be reserved for community projects and harvesting only. There will no 'claiming' of this area! The usual PvP rules will apply: there is no PvP unless pre-organised.

In case anyone is wondering, the current map is being mothballed and saved by the team, so its not a wipe-wipe as it were, just in case there are any problems or anything - its just that it won't be available to play after the switch.

Any concerns, please post them here and we'll try and address them.
I've done some research, but I'm finding it hard to come by any solid answers.

I have a Vauxhall Insignia 2.0CDTI (2009). Its done 100,000 miles just about already, so I'm not under any illusions about the wear. I need the car for work so I was desperate to get it back quickly, so don't judge me.

I noticed a loss of power a few weeks back and some issues with the braking system which (apparently) are being caused by misfires with the underlying problem being a faulty EGR system. Apparently the valves have now been so caked up with carbon that they've blocked pretty much completely. The official Vauxhall garage said that because of their location, cleaning isn't an option and the system should be replaced, this was confirmed by an independent garage as well. So I believed them. Like I said, I need the car back.

Now. Getting to the components isn't easy and required a good deal of the engine to be stripped back, since its close to the time anyway, I asked for the cam belt to be changed too (which in retrospect I would hope they've changed the water pump as a matter of course now!).  They're also performing a full major service. I've been told the work isn't going to be cheap, which is fair enough since there is a good amount of work happening. I've been quoted for this to be around £1200+ as usual I'm expecting this to be more. Does this seem fair? I'm no expert but I'm also keen to know if I'm being ripped off.