I do have one question which is wow related and that is. With the Dead Men Raiding guild is it possible to sign up as a social player rather than a raider to start with and do the characters have to be level 80?
I ask this as I would like to join (as said am a wow fan) but would like to try and get to know people in the guild first before heading off on 25 man raids etc. As mentioned my main toons are on other servers and would cost me to move them over so I plan to role a new toon to play and sometimes run the odd non raiding instance with you chaps but more importantly get to know you.
I ask this as I would like to join (as said am a wow fan) but would like to try and get to know people in the guild first before heading off on 25 man raids etc. As mentioned my main toons are on other servers and would cost me to move them over so I plan to role a new toon to play and sometimes run the odd non raiding instance with you chaps but more importantly get to know you.