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Messages - Gortex

Hello, I'm New Here...... / Finally signed up
July 22, 2010, 03:57:21 PM
I do have one question which is wow related and that is. With the Dead Men Raiding guild is it possible to sign up as a social player rather than a raider to start with and do the characters have to be level 80?

I ask this as I would like to join (as said am a wow fan) but would like to try and get to know people in the guild first before heading off on 25 man raids etc. As mentioned my main toons are on other servers and would cost me to move them over so I plan to role a new toon to play and sometimes run the odd non raiding instance with you chaps but more importantly get to know you.
Hello, I'm New Here...... / Finally signed up
July 21, 2010, 02:13:31 PM
Hello everyone.

Even though I have known some of you in person for years now (some almost 20) I have never signed up to the DMW site or really ever joined in one of the many games you play but which are were installed on my PC.

......Until now......:dribble::dribble::dribble:

After some convincing (over a pint or two) I have got my act together and registered and am looking forward to joining in the fun and games. Currently my PC is in the process of being sold to my girlfriend who's PC decided to give up the will to live and am in the process of getting a new system. So although I can not jump into games straight away it is on the cards but it does give me time to read the forums to understand the do's and don'ts.

I am very much into WOW which I have been playing since the original games final beta test. Although am currently on a different server to the one I believe Dead mean raiding are on. I also have CS, COD4, Team fortress and LFD 1&2.. and am looking at trying out ARMA as am being convinced it is good.