dMw Community Bank Account

Started by TeaLeaf, April 29, 2008, 02:35:00 PM

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We are pleased to announce that the new dMw community bank account is now up and running.

Account Name
Dead Men Walking
Lloyds TSB
Account Number
Sort Code
GB39 LOYD 3099 7701 4895 00

Signatories to the account:  Penfold, Tealeaf

Donations to the community can be made direct to this account at any time.  

Existing funds, paypal links and other accounts will be transferred over to this new account as soon as is practicable.

Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)

Le Rouge

But I can still donate via PayPal, right?
"Even in a justified war, only one place there is for the dead; if someone loses - it\'s only you. Prime Ministers leave without a scratch - when everything ends they mourn the people; but I want to live on and mourn them"
(free translation from a song by Hanoch Levin, 1968 )


Yep, the current button works just fine, but it will be updated shortly so payments go directly into the above account.

Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


I owe the account £5 for a donation on behalf of BlueBall for a copy disk of X-Fi drivers which I had lost.

I haven't forgotten but I'll probably add it on to the LAN funds and do it in one fell swoop.

(Formerly: ThePENDRAGON)



Quote from: BlueBall;246659payment made for me/bbb

If there is anyone else who, like me, didn't go to the LAN but feels like donating a few sheckels to help fund the cost of running everything that dMw offers, then they can find the paypal link on the homepage or the bank details at this post.

Go on, you know you want to :devil:



For those of you that do not contribute....

Please have a look around you. Think about what you use the Community for, the Servers you play on and the forums you frequent ....all of which are solely funded by donations.

Think about how much bandwidth is used to run several servers. Think about the Hosting Charges. Think about the hardware required to run the games we do and the cost of the forum licences. Finally think about where'd you go play if it all came to an end if the few people who *do* pay for it decided not too.

Look inside yourself.

It's *your* community and 100% of donations go to funding the servers and providing the hardware and services which *you* use on a daily basis.


PS For those of you that missed it.. we're currently in the RED chaps.

Quote from: TeaLeaf;246642................The dMw Community Account now has a balance of -£702.36.......

(Formerly: ThePENDRAGON)


I did before donate serveral times.
And this time i will donate when i have recived my bonus from my work,that is end december.:D

I dont know how many members whe have but,if most make also an donatie then i bet the red numbers will be gone.


My loan has now gone in so I'll be making a donation later tonight.
Juggling Hard Disks over concrete floors ends in tears 5% of the time.


Penfold added as a signatory to the account, to replace Oldbloke following his stepping down/retirement from admin life.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


Can the bank account info be added to the donate button as every year I have to search for this post to check it's still current. There are a lot of people that don't use paypal.

Plus now I have transfered my donation over where is my supporting member badge?


Quote from: Jamin;341555Can the bank account info be added to the donate button as every year I have to search for this post to check it's still current. There are a lot of people that don't use paypal.

Plus now I have transfered my donation over where is my supporting member badge?

It takes bout one hour before you can see your Badge if im right!


Quote from: Jamin;341555Can the bank account info be added to the donate button as every year I have to search for this post to check it's still current. There are a lot of people that don't use paypal.

Plus now I have transfered my donation over where is my supporting member badge?
Jamin, the Supporting Member payment is an automated system and when you pay via that button then the badge is awarded automatically via a script that runs once per hour.   If you make a manual donation which you want applied as a Supporting Member subscription then you need to let Penfold know when you made the payment, the amount and your real name so that we can manually check the bank account, then manually make the award.   It's a lot more work to it manually, but it that's why the badge is not showing automatically for you.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


Quote from: TeaLeaf;341570If you make a manual donation which you want applied as a Supporting Member subscription then you need to let Penfold know when you made the payment, the amount and your real name so that we can manually check the bank account, then manually make the award.   It's a lot more work to it manually, but it that's why the badge is not showing automatically for you.

Yeah, I do this every year though, my points still stand in that paypal is not the preferred method of payment but is the only method made available via the donate button and I have to bother Pen for the badge.

Can I suggest that the bank details be put on the donate page with some sort "I have donated" button to let Pen know to add the badge.

How many people think to donate but stop at the paypal only option?


As I understand it, Paypal lets you pay without having a Paypal account, but we do not have statistics to show how many people go to the page and do not proceed just because the handling agent is Paypal.

The script that automates the process on our forum is a plugin written for vBulletin and I am not aware that it is available for standard bank transfers.  Even if we added a button ourselves to say that payment has been made, it would still require manual intervention or the coding of our own custom plugin to allow bank access rights and cross-checking.  

As you know from posts in the GL section, we're currently in the middle of a review of how we handle our marketing and the Paypal button and an 'other' button is now on the list to be included in the review, so your feedback is taken onboard and we'll see what we can do.  Adding the bank details to that page is a decent suggestion so hopefully we can get it sorted in the near future.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)