dMw Funding

Started by OldBloke, January 04, 2009, 12:58:30 PM

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Dead Men Walking are a non-profit making gaming community. We provide our members and guests with a professional forum, powerful professionally hosted gaming servers as well as LAN servers and switches.

All of these cost the community money and we therefore need to find ways to fund them.

We have three ways for members to help meet the community's ongoing costs and contingency plans.

Supporting Member (Annual Subscription)

We have a voluntary, low cost annual subscription model that allows us to provide our subscribers with the following benefits:

  • Supporting Member Award
  • Forum avatar
  • Forum signature
  • Increased PM storage
  • Reduced LAN attendance fee
  • Gallery upload access
  • Free email address with 1GB mailbox

To subscribe simply click the 'Notifications' link at the top of this page and go to your Inbox, then on the left hand menu under 'My Account' click 'Paid Subscriptions'. Or simply click this link. You do NOT require a PayPal account to complete this transaction. Your 'Supporting Member' badge will be automatically added to your profile but this can take up to one hour to appear. You will be automatically reminded when your subscription is about to expire.

LAN Attendance

We charge everyone who attends one of our LANs a fee. This fee is significantly reduced for attendees who are also Supporting Members.


At the top of our forum is a 'Donate' button where members and guests can make a voluntary donation to our community funds and/or choose to become a Supporting Member.


We will ensure that the community is made aware of all income and expenditure. To this end we will post this information in open forum at regular intervals.
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey