General Gaming Standards

Started by OldBloke, March 15, 2009, 01:23:55 PM

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The General Gaming Standards are a standard of conduct to which all members of the 'Dead Men Walking' (dMw for short) community must adhere. They have been drawn up to ensure that the actions of an individual does not spoil the enjoyment of others and to provide information as to what players can expect whilst gaming with us.

Understand our Ethos

The dMw community aims to provide a home for players who revel in mature gameplay of all kinds. A member's skill level is unimportant to us here because we recognise an individual's mature attitude, sense of teamwork and fairplay far more.
Members caught cheating will be banned for life from our forum and servers.

Understand the Rules

Please take the time to read and understand the dMw Community Standards before reading the rest of this thread.
Registration via the forums will give you membership of the community but that doesn't mean you are automatically allowed to wear any of our gaming tags. Please read this thread to understand how you can achieve one of our much prized gaming awards.

Server Passwords

We provide both public (no password required) and private (password required for access) gaming servers. If you register on this forum you will have access to the password thread. Under no circumstances should any registered player distribute any server password to any other person, even if you think the person is a registered member. If you are found to have done so then you will be banned from all our servers for seven days.

Attitude / Community

A big part of what makes dMw what it is today is the sense of community people feel with each other. As part of this community you should treat all other members with respect and report problems you see in-game that are contrary to the dMw ethos.


Putting your team before yourself is mandatory. You should consistently demonstrate the qualities of a good teamplayer if you want to be accepted here. Quite simply, fraghunters, lone wolves and the plain selfish will not fit in here and will be asked to play elsewhere.


All players should hold a mature level of conduct at all times so keep your language in the forums, on the servers and when using voice comms in line with this.

Warnings, kicks and bans

The following sections deal with our procedures for dealing with players who break our in-game rules or guidelines. It should be noted that they do not apply to those idiots who join a game with the obvious intent of spoiling the enjoyment of others. In such cases they will be immediately kicked/banned.  


A warning will be given before any other form of punishment if you are violating the rules or guidelines of gameplay.
Your first warning will appear on screen for you and others to see. Second warnings will appear on screen and again will be broadcast to all players. Second warnings are of a "last-call" nature and may ultimately result in you being kicked from the server or banned for a period of 24 hours. If you are a persistent offender it is possible that you will be removed for a longer period of time or removed completely from our servers.

Player Kicks

If you are kicked from one of our servers do not rejoin the server to argue your cause as this will result in you being banned. We do this to allow the other players to continue their gaming without disruption. If you have a question or concern about why you were kicked then please use the appropriate gaming section of the forum to bring it up with the admins. Do not use the forum to start a flame-war as this will inevitably lead to a 24 hour ban. The Admin that kicked you will deal with your concerns. Be respectful and we guarantee that the Admin will treat you with respect in return.

Player Bans

If you have been banned from the server and you feel the ban is unwarranted then please use the appropriate gaming section of the forum to bring it up with the admins. Do not use the forum to start a flame-war as this will inevitably lead to a much longer ban. The Admin that banned you will deal with your concerns. Be respectful and we guarantee that the Admin will treat you with respect in return.


Player Warnings, Kicks or Bans can only be issued by an Admin. A list of the Admins can be found in each gaming section.

Escalation Procedure

If you feel that your case has not been resolved by an admin in a satisfactory manner then contact the appropriate Game Leader and ask them to review your warning/kick/ban.
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey