Acceptable Use Policy - Forum & Discord

Started by TeaLeaf, October 11, 2003, 10:29:29 AM

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The Dead Men Walking community is based on mutual respect, a willingness to help/advise others and a common love of gaming in a safe, fair and honest environment.

The community is *inclusive*.  This means that you should not post anything that is likely to offend other members, whether on our forums, text channels of our voice comms server, or any other media associated with dMw.  We leave it to you to decide where the boundaries lie, but please remember that the most common faux pas tend be be related to race, religion or sexual preference.  We appreciate that by its very nature the 'Laugh? I nearly started...' & 'Look what I found on the internet' sections may come closest to veering across the acceptability line, but let's try to keep it on the straight and narrow if we can.  We do have members who are under the age of 18, so for their parents' sake let's try to keep it decent!

If you, as a member, see a post that you feel may be outside our guidelines then please remember that there are icons on the forum at each post (red triangle with a black exclamation mark) that allow you to let the moderators/admins know that there might be a problem.  On Discord copy the message link and send it in a message to the admins on the server.

Current UK law suggests the Owners of our hosting company, dMw Council, the Board Administrators and Forum Moderators could, under certain circumstances, be held legally liable for comments posted on our forums, text channels of our voice comms server, or any other media associated with dMw.  So let's not post anything that will get someone sued, ok?  In light of this, it is important that members refrain from posting anything that might:
  • Promote, or appear to promote, the use, creation, copying or distribution of illegal copies of any  film or music media.
  • Offer suggestions or guidance in the use, creation , copying or distribution of illegal film, music or software media.
  • Request help or guidance in the  use, creation , copying or distribution of illegal film, music or software media.
  • Provide links to web sites, forums, peer to peer networks or newsgroups etc. that promote  the creation , copying or distribution of illegal film, music or software media.
  • Provide links to sexual content not suitable for general public consumption
General comments and discussion related to the issues surrounding illegal film, music or software media are obviously acceptable. Common sense should be a good guide as to what to post, but any postings that fall into the above categories will be deleted by the Moderators. Further action may be taken by The Administrators against persistent offenders.  In order to ensure that the Dead Men Talking media channels  (forums, text channels of our voice comms server, or any other media associated with dMw) remain within legal guidelines existing posts or parts of existing posts or comments that conflict with the above rules may be deleted.

Finally, on our forums please try to resist the temptation to make regular one-smilie replies (we acknowledge that the Laugh section is a little different).   The forums are here for you to read and reply - it is incredibly frustrating to go to thread after thread after thread to *read* a topic that looks of interest just to see another one-avatar reply that adds nothing to the community.  If it doesn't add value then please don't add the post - we will all be better off as a result.  Just apply common sense when you post a reply please.

Thank you.

The Admins.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)