
Started by TeaLeaf, October 03, 2014, 06:26:01 PM

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Hello fellow Carrack owners :byebye:

Albert tipped me off about this so thanks go to him ...

You can currently 'buy' a zero cost voucher allowing you to convert your Carrack to a Reclaimer.

We're Carrack-heavy at the moment so it's worth us owners picking one up just  in case we need to boost the Reclaimer numbers.
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey


Quote from: OldBloke;419924Hello fellow Carrack owners :byebye:

Albert tipped me off about this so thanks go to him ...

You can currently 'buy' a zero cost voucher allowing you to convert your Carrack to a Reclaimer.

We're Carrack-heavy at the moment so it's worth us owners picking one up just  in case we need to boost the Reclaimer numbers.

I did the same but to the repair ship, I don't have to apply it, it's a free upgrade to use or not.
Cheers, Bert


There may well be viable solo game play in big ships with the use of AI controlled NPC companions/crew which was confirmed in a 10 for the Chairman. So theoretically at least you could solo the bigger ships if you can invest in and support NPC crew members. The Carrack might be a fun ship to head off into the unknown in when other dMw players aren't about our you fancy a bit of 'Me' time.

Should this feature make it to the final game, and I see no reason why it shouldn't then the Caterpillar will be my Carrack with NPC crew.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


I agree Smilo, but I don't think personally I could spend my gaming hours with NPC players in my most valuable ship. I'd rather it be enjoyed with mates online.
Cheers, Bert


Aye. I'm in the same boat(ship) as well. I'm very much in this for the adventure, but this will be far more fun with friends. I've picked up a upgrade pack regardless. To be honest - I doubt I'll ever want to use it though.
"Forewarned is forearmed"


Quote from: OldBloke;419924Hello fellow Carrack owners :byebye:

Albert tipped me off about this so thanks go to him ...

You can currently 'buy' a zero cost voucher allowing you to convert your Carrack to a Reclaimer.

We're Carrack-heavy at the moment so it's worth us owners picking one up just  in case we need to boost the Reclaimer numbers.
Yep, saw this too, so I now have three such upgrades sat in my hangar:


All unapplied, but as Albert said, it's future options if needed. :thumbsup:
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


Seeing this really got me thinking but I have came to a cross roads and ain't sure what to do really, right now I am a proud owner of a carrack but I am also owner of a very similar ( haunted ) Constellation Aquila. Now from what I see both these ships look very simlier in the way they are both built to explore and find the, new planets out there. The question is do I need both of these ships or should I swap on in ? I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas :) thank you


I don't think that question can be answered as the Carrack is quite an unknown. How well can it defend itself, what will it cost to run, what does it specifically have that the Aquila doesn't. We do know a few things about it but not enough IMHO to make a call on how it compares with another ship.

It's twice the size of the Aquila but has a similar crew requirement i.e. 5 -6. I'd imagine it would be less versatile than an Aquila in that it's for exploring and not much else. It may well have limited fighting capabilities etc etc.

Frankly unless a ship is very close to completion or done I'd hold fire on comparisons IMHO

As an example of my ship line up three are a case of buying one thing and getting something quite different. I bought a Cutlass that has just had a complete redesign and is now a whole different ship in both looks and function, a Caterpillar that has stayed the same in function but doubled in size to Carrack proportions and a Herald that has changed in visual appearance and apparently can now be used as a solo explorer.

The Carrack is still waiting a first model so currently you basically own a few 2D pictures and a brief design spec.

This is a decent comparison but it's from 2014 so even more speculative about the ships.

Oh and this too.....

Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


The thing to remember about the Carrack is that it is a dedicate "end game" exploration ship; the Aquila is not.  While the Aquila is decked out for exploration, the Carrack will be head and shoulders above it in every way.

The Carrack is designed for extended long range missions, the Aquila is not, and will require refuelling more often, perhaps with the backup of a Starfarer.
The Carrack is designed for jump point discovery and navigation, the Aquila is not.
The Carrack has a full suite of sensors and a dedicated science bay, whereas the Aquila has advanced sensors but nowhere near as advanced as the Carrack's.
The Carrack has a med bay (respawn point) and can carry an "away" ship, whereas the Aquila has forgone its snub fighter for a rover.
The Carrack has a huge cargo bay, whereas the cargo bay of the Aquila is taken up by the rover.

In short, they can both be used for exploration, but in the same way that the Prospector and Orion can both be used for mining.


Just for completeness. Phoenix owners can also buy the packs and apply them. Well, I did for my Rear-Admiral Phoenix upgrade. Now I have a backup in case I get buyers regret for the Phoenix. :D This might be worth while considering they've been so light on details for it. Don't get me wrong, but if they don't depart pretty dramatically from the original design, I don't think people are going to like it.
"Forewarned is forearmed"


I have the Rear Admiral Phoenix too, but there's no way I'm getting rid of it, so I didn't bother with the upgrade - after all, it's my only game package. I tried to pick up a package in the sale, but as usual RSI issue them when we're all asleep so they were all gone this morning. :Sad:

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Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


A bit of detail around the repair operation in the game:

I put this into the current post on the Carrack as I am considering changing that ship to the repair ship. The more the development of SC goes forward the more it is starting to feel like the time needed to fulfill a role in the organisation will be more than enough of a time drain for 1 person. Having multiple roles might be difficult to fit into RL.
Cheers, Bert


"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey


Did you see the jump point? OMG!


Quote from: Obsydian;439913Did you see the jump point? OMG!

No. What have I missed?
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey