Elite meet 28 march

Started by Sneakytiger, February 07, 2015, 04:27:04 PM

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there's an elite meet in Birmingham on march 28
at the best western hotel

me and aceymetrix will be going to support the community.
lots of chatting about elite, drinking beer and playing  a few games.
battle.net: Sneakytiger#2501
steam: -=[dMw]=-Sneakytiger
Epic games:Sneakytiger


Thanks Sneaky.  Do you think you could put some links up to the event please as there's several Best Western's in Birmingham and people will need a little bit more info too, like the times etc!

Cheers!  :thumbsup:
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


battle.net: Sneakytiger#2501
steam: -=[dMw]=-Sneakytiger
Epic games:Sneakytiger


pasted from the news letter , with link above.
In other news: Elite Meet 2015 is an informal gathering of Elite: Dangerous fans arranged by the community. If you’re in the Birmingham, UK area on March 28 and want to meet other commanders, play a few games, chat about Elite: Dangerous and maybe have a drink or two, then swing by Elite Meet 2015’s Eventbrite page for more information and tickets, or visit the forums to chat about the day.
battle.net: Sneakytiger#2501
steam: -=[dMw]=-Sneakytiger
Epic games:Sneakytiger


That's the day I fly out to Vietnam, shame it wasn't earlier as Birmingham is very easy for me to get to, and I have friends there I could have stayed with to save cash :P
All our Gods have abandoned us.


Quote from: Chaosphere;394835That's the day I fly out to Vietnam, shame it wasn't earlier as Birmingham is very easy for me to get to, and I have friends there I could have stayed with to save cash :P

stay frosty and dont get no purple heart marine :D

I came into this world with nothing,
through careful management I\'ve got most of it left.


my brother can't come so any 1 fancy coming ?,its free already payed for the ticket.
battle.net: Sneakytiger#2501
steam: -=[dMw]=-Sneakytiger
Epic games:Sneakytiger


I'm in Brum the week before, I'm going to the NEC Photography Show. Sadly I don't think I can stretch to two trips up in a week.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


I'm up to my neck in work that weekend, end of the tax year etc.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)