Ship Cargo Size Update...All Change!

Started by Obsydian, April 29, 2015, 07:48:17 AM

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Why do CIG do this? They release a whole set of cargo ships, and provide a detailed overview of how cargo is going to be handled, and then, 3 days later, release a chart with updated cargo sizes for all ships, completely reducing the amount of cargo on the ships currently on sale!

Heres the link to the article:

Hull A                        48
Freelancer 51
Freelancer Max         123
Andromeda              134
Taurus                     236
Hull B                      384
Caterpillar                512
Carrack                  1057
Starfarer                4043
Hull C                    4608
Banu Merchantman 5017
Reclaimer               6266
Orion                    13824
Hull D                   20736
Hull E                   98304


Glad I waited then!  

It does make the Hull B (384 SCU) more interesting as it only needs one person to fly it and it sits neatly between the much larger ships (1000+ SCU) and the more typical 100-150 SCU smaller ships.  As a single person ship, it might be a quite useful solo hauler.

I'm massively glad that my Banu MM has now shown to have use, I was beginning to wonder if it was a turkey after these Hull releases!   The Hull D now looks more interesting too, I reckon a Hull E might be total overkill and out of our reach in terms of operation, but having a Hull D for the org might be a nice option.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)

Justin Tolerable

Quote from: TeaLeaf;398323Glad I waited then!  

It does make the Hull B (384 SCU) more interesting as it only needs one person to fly it and it sits neatly between the much larger ships (1000+ SCU) and the more typical 100-150 SCU smaller ships.  As a single person ship, it might be a quite useful solo hauler.

I'm massively glad that my Banu MM has now shown to have use, I was beginning to wonder if it was a turkey after these Hull releases!   The Hull D now looks more interesting too, I reckon a Hull E might be total overkill and out of our reach in terms of operation, but having a Hull D for the org might be a nice option.

Agreed that the Hull B is now really interesting.  I currently have a Hull C, but I think I'll trade it in.  The reason being, the difference between my Hull C and my Starfarer is actually pretty small, but the Starfarer has a smaller crew requirement.  Although I'd be interested to see if that cargo stat applies to both solid and liquid cargo.

I think I'd rather have a B and another superhornet for the Idris, as the latest info says it can carry five, possibly even six.


Yeah, I've been mulling over the benefits of using. Hull rather than their closest counterparts and, crew requirements aside, was beginning to wonder if there was any advantage at all.

Then I saw someone on the RSI forums mention that the one big advantage that the Hulls have is no restriction on the size of the container they can take.  All of the other ships such as the Merchantman and the Caterpillar can only fit containers of a certain size due to the restriction set by their cargo bay door. The Hulls have no such restriction and can fit the largest containers possible.

Another advantage comes with regards to loading and unloading: the Hulls are the only ships (currently at least) that have a fully automated loading and unloading system, so when you land to deliver a load, you simply wait while the cargo unloads itself, refuel and wait while any new cargo loads itself, and then take off!

So, for now, I'll stick with my B and C (my As are just for later CCUs) as I think they come in handy at some point.


I've added a Hull B, but I'm still pondering on the Hull D for the long haul (pun intended).
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


I think this is the inherent problem with a pre alpha game that we get to play with long before it's ready to go. There's going to be a mass of rethinking and tweaking going on. In theory anything could change between now and next year. I guess it's the uncertainty we have to face as we buy assets this early on. Things will change and while I'm sure CIG won't intentionally try to upset us, it's a reality that someone somewhere is going to find that the ship they bought in pre alpha isn't the ship they are flying in game. Which is why it's good that players can easily melt stuff and 'have another go'.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


I totally agree with Smilo there. I think the problem they face though is the backlash from people who pledge but in their minds buy a ship and if the spec reduces they are left complaining about their purchase being nerfed. I'm sure when the dust settles each ship and size variation will have its correct place in the price to performance table.

I notice the Conny Andromeda being a bit on the low side these days. That's why I added a Carrack to my fleet, to have that slightly larger cargo option (ignoring all the other great features of the Carrack for now). The Hull B is possibly compatible to a cargo focused Conny I think. The C is a clear winner I think. Much more space than the other medium size utility ships making it a purchase for purpose option.
Cheers, Bert


I'm not a cargo runner. But I'd be getting a C. But part of the reason I got my carrack was because of the future possibly of the cargo. Everything else I've bought based on appearance mostly. I'm still curious what this is going to do for things like the freelancer. It seems to be shifting their focus slightly.
"Forewarned is forearmed"


I'm considering the B. Just as nobody else is.
Cheers, Bert


I'll most likely take on some trade work in the game. I'm assuming I will need to do something to pay the bills. Buying and selling seemed a boring way to earn money but with the attention that is going into the cargo hauling aspect of the game it's looking like it might be a lot of fun.

As to which ship, currently I have no idea. I was planning on a Freelancer or Constellation but the Hull B does look nice. It will be interesting to see what versatility will be lost moving from a Constellation Taurus over to a Hull B and the extra cargo space.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


Come back to ED Smilo! You can practice for what will also be the main vocation in SC! B-)
Cheers, Bert


Based on my experence with ED I purchased my self a hauler to help keep my 325 in fuel and bullets.  But I can now see it is the entry level and I dont want to go any higher.

So some trading in this I will do or transport runs.

But it is going to all go on a fighter or 3.
"It's hard, but not as hard as Arma!!!" Tutonic
"Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.." Terry Pratchett


That's my point. Cargo runs in ED are mindless, unimaginative grinds and for me no fun at all. I'm hoping that SC will do something interesting with the task and not just run with the herd. If SC can actually make hauling cargo interesting I'll have a crack. If it's land, "your cargo hold is somehow now full of cargo", fly, land, "your cargo hold is now somehow empty" repeat ad nauseum ...... I'll pass and catch pirates for a day job.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


Quote from: smilodon;398570Cargo runs in ED are mindless, unimaginative grinds and for me no fun at all.

Thank you Smilo!


This is one of the main reasons I've stopped playing ed as much. :( it makes me cry!
"Forewarned is forearmed"