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'ello again.

Started by Slider 46, August 10, 2016, 12:01:12 AM

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Slider 46

Hey Guys, hows it going?  Its been a while :)
I see a few names are still here, fair play to ya. Since I moved house a few years back, I havnt had the time or space for racing or even a pooter that can keep up these days but times are a changing. I sold my race pit (for those that remember it) as it was just gathering dust and taking up space but now I have a shiny new gaming pc I realise how much I miss a good race, lol.
Ive also restored my very own LX4 (Sylva Stiker) in Kawasaki green of coarse, which took a long time even for me. Now its almost finished I'm thinking of building a motion sim race pit to start racing again. Still, enough of my waffle.....

 Whats this Assetto Corsa like, any good? Ive been looking online and it keeps coming up in "top 5" or "top 10" lists of driving games but I worry they are made up by the console kiddies. I'm not after carbon, nitrus buttons followed by blurry scenery, just something abit more up to date than LFS, i.e, something with good physics. Do you recommend it or is there something better that isn't IRacing? Or is LFS with the S3 worth sticking with?

The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch


Hey Slider mate, great to hear from ya! Heh, yeah there's a few of us knocking about still ;) .  Your own LX4 eh?  Sounds very cool!  Have you got any pics? Ya should stick 'em up here on the forum so we can have a look!  Do any track day stuff with it?

As far as sims go..It's Assetto all the way for me.  It is constantly getting better and the developers are open and interested in listening to and interacting with the community (which for me is always is a good sign of their intentions/ they are not out to make a quick buck and bugger off :) ) . Physics wise, it is definitely a full on sim. Compared to LFS it still has some weak areas, like user interface stuff, online interactions, netcode.  But to be honest I am pretty happy with it these days and there are few games that can match LFS in terms of it's online capabilities/user friendliness.  Plus they are still improving AC.  Just recently for example False Starts where implemented.

I don't think you will be disappointed with Assetto as an X LFS racer.  When your on a nice combo with some good blokes, having some good racing, it ticks all the same boxes.

I'd love if LFS suddenly got going again with a nice big injection of content etc...but it's pretty much still the same old story as when you stopped those years ago (even with "S3")...a great shame to see such potential go like this!  I don't think Scawen has the interest any more and the LFS racing community seems to be slowly dwindling away, unfortunately :( .  I haven't raced LFS in a long time now.

There are a few of us racing Assetto a couple of times a week, we'd love to have another great racer such as yourself join us!  If you have any doubts about Assetto, you can always wait for a Steam sale and grab it a bargain price!

Any way, nice to hear from you again mate, and feel free to drop on TS and say hi if ya see us on there.  I'm sure some of the other blokes on here might give you a heads-up on their opinion of Assetto too.

Slider 46

Hi Seany. Cheers for the Assetto gen'. I think you've pretty much  confirmed what I was thinking. It is a shame to see LFS dwindle away as ive had a lot of fun on there but I guess everything changes sooner or later.

So, ive still got abit of stuff to do on the 'LX4' but she wont be long I hope (its been dragging on now) and I'm still a slave to the MotoGP. As its Silverstone at the start of September, I cant see me getting any real racing or a racepit made till after then but when I do, i'll be sure to seek you guys out. If Assetto comes up on steam before, i'll grab it anyway.

I'll get a few pic's of the Striker for you when I get on the laptop abit later on.

Laterz, S.
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch


Quote from: Seany;415695I'd love if LFS suddenly got going again with a nice big injection of content etc...but it's pretty much still the same old story as when you stopped those years ago (even with "S3")...a great shame to see such potential go like this!  I don't think Scawen has the interest any more and the LFS racing community seems to be slowly dwindling away, unfortunately :( .  I haven't raced LFS in a long time now.

Agreed, for what's it's worth I got OB to update the lfs server so at least it's on the latest patch, but it is very quiet and I'll be honest I really struggle to get back into these days, think it is purely the lack of people, a great shame as we've had many nights of great racing over the years, Seany, I agree to a point mate but I would say the problem lies in Eric, Scawen has kept a steady(ish) stream of updates but it is purely down to Eric to make the content as far as I understand their setup. I wish they would be more open on the forums about what is actually happening but sadly I doubt that will ever happen.

I've switched over to the dark side for the time being and I'm on PCars on the PS4... AC and PCars on my pc "just" run but not smooth enough to be consistent, one day I'll get round to updating my pc then maybe I'll get back on our servers.


Hey Slider, Great to see another name back!
I've also been away for quite a while, looking to get back into racing again.. Just finished a few races with Seany, well, Seany was on the server anyway :D
The LX4 sounds good! I think we need a DMR owners thread, I've currently got a Ford Capri off for restoration which I was going to post up on here, would be good to see the progress of all the cars. Look forward to racing you soon.

PS: Just went on the forum thread about where DMW/DMR members are located. Always thought OldBloke's location of "cambridge" meant just that, cambridge. Just noticed on the map he was 5 mins from my house where i used to live up until this time last year! Probably walked past him in the street and not noticed :lmfao:


Hi Slider,

remembering lots of good races with you - I'm looking forward to see you on our AC server soon!



Hi guys,
I plan to join you on TS and see if I can do some laps with you.
I might need some guidance.

When are you guys on?


Right now! :D

Most of us are around on Monday nights and Wednesday nights.

Pop on if your about, would love to have you on with us!


Quote from: Seany;420125Pop on if your about, would love to have you on with us!

Thanks for the welcome! It was good to meet you guys again.
I'll try to pop on again soon and see how it goes.