The Management

Started by OldBloke, May 29, 2005, 10:02:55 AM

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Community Management

Head Admins

TeaLeaf, Penfold and BrotherTobious are the Head Admins.

 They have the responsibility of ensuring that this community is run in accordance with its rules and guidelines and that its excellent reputation for fairplay, mature attitude and teamwork is maintained across all sections. They will be responsible for appointing a small team of 'Community Admins' together with whom they will manage the day-to-day business of the community.  Penfold also manages the dMw's bank account for the community.

Council Members





Together, the Head Admins and the  Council steer the Community through the murky world if the Interweb.

The Council is roughly divided as per the tree below although they work as a team in any case and are here to dMw and the community.


Community Admins

Community Admins will ensure that the community is run in accordance with our rules and guidelines and in a manner befitting Dead Men Walking.

The current Community Admins are:






Myopic Sniper




Other Leaders

LAN Admins -




Folding@Home is a distributed computing project that is run by the Pande group at Stanford University. Their goal is to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, and related diseases. Dead Men Walking are committed to assist in this by promoting Folding within our community. We encourage our members to put their gaming rigs (and any other rig to hand) to good use by focusing on the competitive aspects of folding as well as the benefits to society as a whole. We have two members whose role is to cajole and coax the members of this community to join our ranks of folders and to maintain a friendly competitive spirit among them. If you are not folding for Dead Men Walking - why not?
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey