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Lan XXXVI - Real Ale #3

Started by Gortex, September 30, 2019, 04:33:41 PM

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It is that wonderful time of the year again when we have some very kind people and businesses willing to sponsor some real ales or real ciders that will appear at the LAN for your enjoyment at a bargain £1.50 per pint. All of the brews have been sampled by the now legendary beer festival team or pacifically asked for by the sponsor and we are fortunate enough for the hotel being able to supply it to us.


Swift One by Bowmans Brewery

Sponsored by: Chaosphere, JazzieBee, Gortex, Suicidal Monkey and Lionheart

Yes yet another new one for us but this time more a recommendation rather than appearing in the beer festival. Back in 2018 the beer that got the highest marks from all of us at the GBBF was produced from Bowmans with the name Lapwing. Now Lapwing is a festival only beer and after much trying I have given up trying to get a barrel. However Swift One is apparently not to dissimilar and their flag ship beer. They are also my local brewery (1 mile from me), based in the South Downs village of Hambledon and I strongly recommend their beer.

A good pale, golden quaffing ale with excellent flavours form the strength of 3.8%. Pleasingly hoppy throughout without being aggressive and possessing a fine aroma. The finish is dry with a small twist of sweetness at the end. If you feel that this is all rather pretentious then it can be best described as a bloody nice pint.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." "Never explain anything."


Thanks all, and that description is so good, I can almost taste it now!
Cheers, Bert




Indeed, but still not cider xx :flirty:
(Formerly: ThePENDRAGON)


I'm with that guy ^ ;)

All the same, looking forward to sampling these liquid libations at the altar of gaming.
"Forewarned is forearmed"


I like Pale Ale's and IPA's so thank you all!
Survivor of LAN V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV, XVI, XVIII, XX, XXIV, XXX, XXXII, XXXIV and XXXVI so far...
[QUOTE]Lionheart; Grolsch to DuVeL is like spinache to Popeye [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Cheesepuff...A cyborg is sent from the future on a deadly mission. He has to kill Ninja_Freak, a young Man whose life will have a great significance in years to come.Ninja has only one protector - DuVeL - also sent from the future. The Terminator uses his exceptional intelligence and strength to find Ninja_Freak & attempt to terminate him.


New one on me, sounds good, look forward to downing a few with you next week. Thanks chaps - Gorliath#2300 | Steam - Gorliath | Origin - Gorliath | Warframe - Gorliath | PSN - Gorliath | Xbox Live - Gorliath