Microsoft buying activision-blizzard

Started by Gorion, January 18, 2022, 04:28:27 PM

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Guild Wars 2 - Characters: Dragelis / Estril / Viliona - LydonB#2167
Warframe - LydonB


If they include something like a wow subscription in xbox gamepass the ripples across the gaming industry will be unheard of.
Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.


If they kept the price down to around a tenner it would be huge.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


Quote from: SithAfrikaan;447676If they include something like a wow subscription in xbox gamepass the ripples across the gaming industry will be unheard of.

Ripples!!! Be like a tsunami


"He also said that Xbox will "offer as many Activision Blizzard games as we can within Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, both new titles and games from their catalogue."

"Mira Mira on the wall who\'s the fairest of them all?" - Dickdastardly "it\'ll sting a lot" - Lesion


I liked the bit where Sony's market value dropped 20bn in one day.

All our Gods have abandoned us.


Surely they will put the price of Gamepass up. If they fancied throwing it into an o365 F3 licence that would be nice :)
Master of maybe