Wow, what a race!!!

Started by Gnomie, January 27, 2009, 08:50:32 PM

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EDIT: please use this thread for posting about your recent small/big victories on track! :)

I don't normally brag, and that's not my point with this post either.. I just have to share with you what happened in my last race. I just can't help it, I'm so thrilled! :D

I got a lucky lap in a quali session just before the race. That earned me spot # 4 on the grid. There were 11 cars total. And from the very first lap it was clear that this was going to be a VERY close race. On the 11 first laps four of us were never more than 2 seconds apart. I was at the rear of the pack, chasing and trying to find openings, but with no success. The four of us got a tiny gap down to the pursuers. There was lots of good defending and overtaking moves, but no incidents -- until lap 11, when all the guys ahead of me got into a bit of a clash, allowing me to sneak past and gain the lead! However they didn't loose much time, and before long I had them all in my mirror again. Then I hesitated a little and refused to take the inside line to defend at turn # 1, which cost me the lead as one guy sneaked past me.

For the rest of the race I was within 0,5 seconds of him, while the two other guys were hot on my tail. I had to really defend hard, using what I've learnt in the dMr. Lap after lap the fight went on, and I set numerous PBs during the race!

I don't know how to describe it.. it just felt so incredibly good. I was pushing as hard as I could all the race, taking my car and myself to the limits, fighting hard to defend and overtake all the time. This must surely have been the most intense race in my career! After the race all of us were just over the moon, compliments flying all over the place. I clearly wasn't the only one who enjoyed it!

I took some screenies too. I'm car # 7 (notice the colours! :D A small tribute to the dMr)

Here is the link to the session details. :D


Another one bites the dust. :sad: Well done Gnomie. :)



Superb Gnomie! And without a single incident!

Now you know what I have been on about....

btw; I think you will advance to Class D by the end of the week. Well done.
I think you already could drive the Skippy if you got it! SR 4.6 already! And next week you can drive the Mazda with a little bit more SR nursing...

Good luck!


Thank you! :) Been having an absolute blast so far. I should have listened to you sooner! I think I'll stick with the Solstice for now, though. Seems like there's still a ton of fun to be had with that car alone!

EDIT: what the..? Does this mean what I think it means..? :blink:


Quote from: Gnomie;260607EDIT: what the..? Does this mean what I think it means..? :blink:

Yes, Gratulerer! :yahoo:


Well, it won't last long, but it's fun nevertheless! :) I was just browsing through the various tabs at random when I found it.


I would also like to ”brag” a little bit. Not only for my self, but for the iRacing point/scoring system.

Last season I ran two series, the Skip Barber ans the Star Mazda. During the first two weeks the racers are devided in to divisions. As some of you know, I am not the fastest guy out there so I ended in div 4 in the Skippy and in div 5 in th Mazda. Every driver is also driving for a geographicaly club. Last season I drove for the International club, but that will change to the Scandinavinan club for 2009 Season 1.

Overall in the Skippy series I ended up on 142’th place. Out of 1811 drivers. But the beuty is that in my div (4) I ended up as number 8 out of 162 in my div.
And whats even better I was the highest one from the International club in this division. So its is kind of a win.

Overall in the Mazda I ended at 87 out of 890, and 6’th place in div 5 and second in club international.

This goes to show that you *can* always find someone or something to drive for in iRacing.

I also found out that it does not matter if you win races. If you get put in races with good drivers you can sometimes get more points finishing fourth than if you won a race against a field with low SOF (strenght of field)


As I said I couldn't care less about iRating and that. Yesterday's race would have been just as exciting if we were fighting for 5th place rather than 1st. And it seems that this number of racers (1811 in the Skip and 890 in the Mazda) there should be plenty to allow the matchmaking formulae to work properly so that you get pitted against people of similar skill level.

It's clear that iRacing needs a quite large population of racers to work properly!


Wow, sounds like a terrific race, indeed! Congratulations mate :)

Whenever I see iRacing screenshots I can't help but find the cars a bit too "cartoonish" looking for my liking. I don't know what it is exactly but... they look like cartoon cars to me, can't describe it any other way

EDIT: also, why are all the gauges in the 3rd screenshot at zero? Don't they work during a replay?


Thank you! :) It really was a fantastic experience.

About the graphics.. keep in mind that I have absolutely all the graphics settings at minimum (cars included). That could have something to do with it. It really does look spectacular on high-end PCs. (Like in this video)

The in-car screenshot was taken from another car than mine. That's why the gauges are all 0 and the steering wheel is not working. I only noticed after posting it! :rolleyes:


All right, that's it -- I'm sold. :D Another night, another couple of absolutely terrific races. The standard of racing, both in terms of speed and racecraft, is just mind blowing and way beyond anything I'd expected. And these are rookie servers, for Chrissake..!

I feel that a little clarification is in order here: I'm not saying that any of this is miles better than what the dMr has to offer. That would be absurd! I just feel that I need a break from LFS, and I'm very pleasantly surprised to find something resembling dMr so closely in another sim. I didn't think that was possible. Plus, the fact that there's such a big pool of racers in iRacing means that you can constantly find grids with loads of other people at your own skill level. Just imagine, being surrounded by other cars who are just as fast as you (+- 0,1 sec per lap, literally!) and who drive respectfully and fair, just like in the dMr. It's like a great dMr race, every race. At least that's how it's been in every race I've been in so far.

Also, my PC is performing better than expected. Never drops below 45 FPS even in the middle of a full grid (in my first race today I started 11th, and there were no problems at all). It helped a lot to turn down the resolution a little bit (from 1920x1200 to 1600x900), so apparently I was GPU limited. And apparently Summit Point with the Solstice is pretty heavy in terms of graphics, so this bodes well for what is to come. (That sounds like something out of a 19th century novel.. :blink:)


Quote from: Gnomie;260918All right, that's it -- I'm sold. :D

 It's like a great dMr race, every race.

Yeah, I think us norwegians have a great sense of quality. :D I have been around dMr for 2 and a half year now. They are the greatest bunch in SimRacing.

I'll let that be a big thanks to dMr (esp. Doorman and OldBloke)

But iRacing is good too, and it is getting better by the minute. They have loads of things in the pipeline, new tracks, cars, contracts and development. They are on the roll.


Sadly iRacing did not allow for the tight community building you get on your own servers, with your own team.
But next week we can have open practice servers in iRacing and hopefully a better, more LFS like atmosphere.

Hope to see you dMr's there.


Quote from: Gnomie;260918It's like a great dMr race, every race. At least that's how it's been in every race I've been in so far.

But don't get too excited. Somebody *will* take you out eventually... :narnar: