Decision time - phoenix vs redeemer

Started by Galatoni, November 01, 2014, 10:25:42 AM

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Would make a good choice for high risk trading though. I still like the idea of doing aliens style and drop. Shame it doesn't have an apc or largish bay  

Still yes, armed to the teeth. It'll definitely hold its own. I'm gonna save up.and get my aquila back.
"Forewarned is forearmed"

Justin Tolerable

Quote from: Galatoni;390295Would make a good choice for high risk trading though. I still like the idea of doing aliens style and drop. Shame it doesn't have an apc or largish bay  

Still yes, armed to the teeth. It'll definitely hold its own. I'm gonna save up.and get my aquila back.

I think I'm more scared of the Redeemer attacking my Idris than the Retaliator, anyway.  The Retaliator is a heavy hitter, but get a few of those Redeemers punching out my engines and spamming the deck with marines... not looking forward to THAT day.


Just turn the gravity of and you can just wait for them to float down the corridors. Bam!

I wonder if well get control over opening airlocks prematurely ;)
"Forewarned is forearmed"


Yep, it was confirmed (by Ben I think) that emergency evacuation of the air in a ship will be possible by opening an airlock before decompressing the compartment.  Anything not nailed down will get blown about, and possibly out the airlock.



Great! I think I'll be welded into my spacesuit. :-D
"Forewarned is forearmed"

Justin Tolerable

Quote from: Obsydian;390299Yep, it was confirmed (by Ben I think) that emergency evacuation of the air in a ship will be possible by opening an airlock before decompressing the compartment.  Anything not nailed down will get blown about, and possibly out the airlock.


Turn off gravity first and you're golden :D