315P now flyable in AC

Started by TeaLeaf, November 15, 2014, 07:56:03 AM

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There should be 3 very pleased members of the fleet this morning now that the 315P is flyable in Arena Commander!

QuoteGreetings Citizens,

The Origin 315p is now flyable in Arena Commander! The 315p is the long-range ‘explorer’ variant of the versatile 300i spacecraft. If you have previously purchased an 315p, your ship will now be available for combat (and racing) in Arena Commander… if you’d like to learn more, or pick up a new 315p to try out, details are available below.

Be sure and share your feedback on the forums; we’re using the 300-series (315p, 325a, 350r) to get the flyable variant release process down, in preparation for a number of ships which will be added for Arena Commander V1.0!

Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


I tried the 300 variant in AC today. Very good visibility and really enjoyed its responsiveness. Makes the Hornet and Aurora windscreens feel like leaded cottage windows. They really should make the cockpit forward visibility more practical but I suppose it's a manufacturer feature.
Cheers, Bert


Tried my 315p for the first time this evening in VS and got to Wave 9 before finally dying.  Not sure if that's good or bad, but that's my personal line in the sand for me to improve upon.

I used the stock loadout, and it was a few minutes before I realised why my guns weren't firing...the trigger on my HOTAS is for the tractor beam! :rolleyes:

No missiles, which is a pain when going up against the elite units, but I was quite pleased with the responsiveness of the ship.

I must also say that in the last 2 patches, dogfighting is a much more up close and personal affair, and we now seem to have the ability to get up on the enemy ship's tail and, with the right throttle control, manage to keep behind it, blasting away at it.  And the increased size of the maps is a real boon and has given the game a better feel.

I confess that I do seem to suffer from target tunnel vision and keep getting my shields taken out by some pesky Vanduul on my tail, so that's something else I need to work on, but I guess it's all simply practice.

I also have a 350R, so I'll probably give that a go next and see how far I get. :D


Quote from: Obsydian;391036Tried my 315p for the first time this evening in VS and got to Wave 9 before finally dying.  Not sure if that's good or bad, but that's my personal line in the sand for me to improve upon.

Depends how many times you played?  I got to wave nine on my third try of the game.
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