600 :o

Started by Arcon, October 06, 2014, 10:12:24 PM

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so this will cost $600?, come on enough with the money grabbing, i mean if you want  a big ship like a carrier or a frigate i can understand maybe a price tag of $400 or 500 but this is kinda getting out of hand don't u think?
battle.net: Sneakytiger#2501
steam: -=[dMw]=-Sneakytiger
Epic games:Sneakytiger


As we've discussed it depends what the thing is intended to be used for. While all these ships are just noughts and ones, in the game it's a luxury boat with a luxury price tag. I'd assume it would cost a fortune to buy in game and would require a very large investment in time and resource to be able to get hold of it. I'm hoping not to see fleets of the things but to be able to point and stare in an 'oh look there's a Bugatti' type way. I assume it will be a rare ship that is expensive to buy, insure and run, so it has a price tag to match.  What we're all curious about is what, apart from leather upholstery and bragging rights, is the compelling reason to own it.
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


Quote from: Sneakytiger;388995come on enough with the money grabbing, i mean if you want  a big ship like a carrier or a frigate i can understand maybe a price tag of $400 or 500 but this is kinda getting out of hand don't u think?
Given that the frigates Idris-M and Idris-P were $1,000 and $1,250 respectively, and the fact that the 890 is alleged to be well towards frigate sized.........it's a big ship.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


Quote from: AndyBee;388950This exactly ^^ ..... Seriously I know CR says all the time "Remember you don't NEED to buy them, you can get them in game, buying them now just supports development" but this cash grabbing is beginning to worry me now :-/

Why is it starting to worry you? Are you worried the carrot is in front of your bulging wallet or that CIG wants to turn more of a profit?

Justin Tolerable

Quote from: Twisted;389020Why is it starting to worry you? Are you worried the carrot is in front of your bulging wallet or that CIG wants to turn more of a profit?

Yup!  No need to buy these things.  People can accuse them of money grabbing if they like, but they're not going about it very well if that's what they're doing.

If you were money grabbing, would you release $1000 worth of ships within a month?  Seems a bit dumb.  Wouldn't it be better to release a $100 ship that loads of people could get hold of?  I'm pretty sure they'd make a whole lot more from not pricing themselves out of the market.

Personally, I think the concept is ready, so they're releasing it.  In relation to the other ships, they think this one is worth $600 as it's bigger, more luxurious and they probably have a cool features up their sleeves.  If people don't buy it, they have plenty of money already anyway.  Remember how many people complained about the Reclaimer price before they saw the concepts?

Now, I'm not so naive as to think they don't have their eye on the dollars to some extent - all I'm saying is that the concept art becoming public appears to be the more important thing.


It's worrying me because i've been buying and playing games for 35 years...... and whenever i've been involved in something with as much potential and promises as SC, that i've invested in with hard cash & an emotional attachment, it has always without fail...... failed....

The opening pitch for SC during Kickstarter had me sold, when we hit $6 million that was it done, 100 systems at launch, Cap ships, Boarding, immensely detailed PU, wonderful, stop the fundraising, get your investors in, build the game your talking about, add more stuff post launch, job done, instead $50 MILLION later all i'm seeing is feature creep & more ships than content, i know people will say "but the ship designers are ADDITIONAL hires only possible due to the extra funding" and "they are working on all aspects at once with multiple teams", but frankly after 2 years and all we have is a buggy dog fighting arena battle in a tiny space & lots of (so far) empty promises, i'll stop worrying when SOMETHING/ANYTHING apart from single player buggy Arena Commander is on my hard drive and is fun :)

Also Cryengine worries me the deeper we get, i'll relax a bit more when the much hyped "double precision" arrives and we actually see how big an area we have to play with..... i love Cryengine games, they look fantastic, but Crysis 3 is not set in an open universe where i can travel between planets in the blink of an eye...

I'm a pessimist when it comes to game development & hype, i sincerely hope i'm 100% wrong of course, but until i see proof..... well, i'll carry right on being worried ;-)

Justin Tolerable

Yeah, I think the problem we're going to face is that everyone has a different game in mind. There's bound to be disappointment.

As far as feature creep goes, I think that's based on an older concept of game development. With SC, we should (in theory) get to play bits as they are finished. So all that good stuff gets released first, then the extra features later. I don't think we'll ever see the game get a big release. I think there will be a soft release where they say all the basics are in place, but development is continuing.

I do worry about determined though. We'll see if that pans out.


Quote from: AndyBee;389026Also Cryengine worries me the deeper we get, i'll relax a bit more when the much hyped "double precision" arrives and we actually see how big an area we have to play with..... i love Cryengine games, they look fantastic, but Crysis 3 is not set in an open universe where i can travel between planets in the blink of an eye...
Yep, it certainly as its challenges and I've been keeping an eye on this too.   But it was arguably better than anything else when chosen, so I guess it was the lesser of the available evils!   They seem to have handled other Cry issues (like the netcode) alright, so like you I'll wait and see (with fingers crossed)!
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


Just read this on the RSI forum and thought I'd post it here for posterity. This isn't aimed at anybody, just putting things into perspective in a nicely phrased way.

Quote from: BaudolinoXDon't buy things you can't afford and don't complain about not being able to afford them. Some shelves are just too high and that's the way of the world. Everything we pledge for here is just for fun, not real, a total waste of money and should only be done to the level people can actually afford.
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey


Sounds like the "pay what you can afford" prices some football clubs have these days.
Although these are generally low tier clubs, not AAA rated space sims!


Quote from: OldBloke;389034Just read this on the RSI forum and thought I'd post it here for posterity. This isn't aimed at anybody, just putting things into perspective in a nicely phrased way.

To be honest i agree with that, i've invested plenty and i can afford it, i'm certainly not rich but i have my disposable income that i like to play with, what i'm struggling with is the gently shifting goalposts.....

2 years ago we had a $275 "Best" package of the Rear Admiral Constellation, of course there was the $5000/$10000/$15000 packages but these always exist on Kickstarters and so they should for the high-rollers, but that RA Package was great, limited edition box, miniature ship model, exclusive art, etc, etc, this to me equated to the normal "Collectors Edition" we see for most games nowadays, i bought the GW2 Collectors for about £130 i think, so the RA seemed to me to be in the right ballpark, then we got the Idris, again that i was totally cool with, very limited, very specialist, very expensive, no interest to me but it was a nice touch, then we got add-on ships, again all seemed fine, we had the option to add a reasonably priced second ship, a fighter or hauler maybe, to the package we already bought..... but that's where in my opinion it all went pear shaped, firstly the "variants" that made you pay more for what you thought you already had, then "2nd & 3rd wave" ships with increasing prices and diverse roles (that incidentally we'd been told we could customize our other ships to do) that are costing $350 & now $600 that do "stuff" that we have no idea what it is (Chris explanation of Salvaging in 10FTC left me feeling.... meh...), to add insult to injury these ships don't even get you a copy of the game ! (or Alpha, Beta, SQ42)..... and all this before most "phase 1" ships are even flyable ?

I know, i know, i'm sounding like a moaner :) but i have a few mates that i've been trying to get in to SC & ED, and frankly SC SCARES THE BEJESUS OUT OF THEM !!!!! Try telling a noob to SC it's not P2W when all he sees is $300+ ships, without sitting down & explaining 2 years of development to them it just appears to be World of Tanks on steroids.....

I don't know anymore, i know it's not P2W, i know they're developing basically 3 games at once, i trust CR to deliver something great, just this constant "here a new ship for hundreds of dollars" seems to me to be bleeding dry old backers who are addicted & not exactly making new backers feel comfortable, and if SC is going to be as awesome as we all hope it's going to need a LOT more than the current 600k "backers"....

OK, rant over, i still love SC's concept and i'm happy with my investment, but for me now it's wait & see the PU with fingers crossed :g:

(That's not to say i won't melt something to buy a Carrack BTW !!)

Justin Tolerable

Ha ha! I'm probably one of those older, 'addicted' backers :D

It makes me happy though. Like playing the lottery - you don't really expect to win, but for the week until the draw you get to imagine what it would be like if you did.

I have my collection for much the same reason. It's nice to imagine them being part of the world's best game, where I am perfectly immersed.  But I know that's too much to ask. I imagine it will be fun, but it can never be what everyone wants it to be.

The difference is, I'm here just to give that dream a shot at success. If it doesn't deliver, that's okay. Worse things happen to people every day, so I count myself incredibly lucky to even be able to indulge my collector mentality.


Sale has started. First batch gone. 2nd batch going fast.

The 890 Jump comes with a nice looking 'space-dinghy' too.

Quote... every 890 Jump comes with a two-seat ORIGIN 85X runabout, a personal transport par excellence. The 85X isn’t a simple snub fighter like those included on competitor’s larger spacecraft: it’s a top-of-the-line ship in its own right, fully capable of going the few places the 890 cannot.

View brochure here.
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey


Quote from: OldBloke;389114Sale has started. First batch gone. 2nd batch going fast.

The 890 Jump comes with a nice looking 'space-dinghy' too.

View brochure here.

Yeah for all my whining i was still tempted to buy one ! lol ... 2nd batch seemed to take about 30 mins to sell, hopefully that means everyone that wants one is actually getting one & those few that bought multiples to sell onwards at a huge mark-up via reddit are going to find themselves out of luck !

Justin Tolerable

**stumbles in sheepishly**