Whamagedon 2022

Started by BrotherTobious, November 30, 2022, 01:05:19 PM

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was out with the gf for afternoon tea, GOT BOTH BARRELS.LOL
battle.net: Sneakytiger#2501
steam: -=[dMw]=-Sneakytiger
Epic games:Sneakytiger


Took car for an MOT and service. Jumped in courtesy car. Started the engine ... BOOM! HEADSHOT!

"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey


Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


another victim falls to the Wham.

Went out side for some more logs to put on our log burner and next door builders radio started blasting it out before I could get back indoors. Bad enough I have to put up with the noise of their extension being built let alone to be shot with bad xmas music in my own garden.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." "Never explain anything."


Oooh snipered. That's harsh.
(Formerly: ThePENDRAGON)


I forgot to post but fell victim to wham pretty early doors, don't listen to heart radio if you can help it.:lmfao:
"Mira Mira on the wall who\'s the fairest of them all?" - Dickdastardly "it\'ll sting a lot" - Lesion


Thursday at the new job, started up the radio, somebody left it on a Christmasstation, I think it was a boobytrap.  DuVeL out...
Survivor of LAN V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV, XVI, XVIII, XX, XXIV, XXX, XXXII, XXXIV and XXXVI so far...
[QUOTE]Lionheart; Grolsch to DuVeL is like spinache to Popeye [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Cheesepuff...A cyborg is sent from the future on a deadly mission. He has to kill Ninja_Freak, a young Man whose life will have a great significance in years to come.Ninja has only one protector - DuVeL - also sent from the future. The Terminator uses his exceptional intelligence and strength to find Ninja_Freak & attempt to terminate him.


It was my work  Xmas night out last night and I didn't expect to last the night but also didn't expect it to be playing in the first pub I went into, as soon as I got in the door!  To really rub it in, they played it three times in the 90 minutes  I was there.


Bloody local round-table were at Asda this afternoon- of course full blast playing THAT song…bloody charidee! I’m out, grr 😖


Make  space at the table, Wham blasted through work's radio at 3am last night, bringing me to my knees in defeat. May the ale be cold and the reindeer salty!

All our Gods have abandoned us.


Quote from: Chaosphere;449193Make  space at the table, Wham blasted through work's radio at 3am last night, bringing me to my knees in defeat. May the ale be cold and the reindeer salty!


whoever plays it at 3am want's talking to:lmfao:
"Mira Mira on the wall who\'s the fairest of them all?" - Dickdastardly "it\'ll sting a lot" - Lesion


It is with a heavy heart I admit defeat.
My own stupidity got me as I absentmindedly opened my Facebook feed while waiting for a server reboot last night.
To those left behind; may the odds be in your favor these last few days!


(Formerly: ThePENDRAGON)


"It's hard, but not as hard as Arma!!!" Tutonic
"Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.." Terry Pratchett


stage 1 complete - Heathrow to kings cross to Lincoln, friends car with local radio playing to home - still in although i did have a cliff Richard and a slade attack

tomorrow all day xmas shopping and paddy and Jamm are with me so if i make it there will be dMw witnesses:narnar:

I came into this world with nothing,
through careful management I\'ve got most of it left.