Starfarer and Cargo units

Started by Kal-Nor, January 02, 2016, 09:49:08 AM

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Although Exploration is going to be my main role within the SC verse. One thing I'm very aware of is that the best exploration equipment won't come cheap and I still need to earn credits. The basic form for this will be cargo runs. (Either as a pay per job hauler or a enterprising trader)

So I've tried to vary my fleet by cargo size to ensure that I can take the next step up without needing to sink credits into buying the next ship up. In a perfect world this would be the full range of Misc Hull Ships, but I wanted ships for other roles. So I have this as my cargo range ships:

DUR (Solo Exploration) - Can carry 52 units
Hull B (Hauler) Can carry 386 units
Carrack (Group Exploration) - Can carry 1058 units
Starfarer  (Industry) Can carry 3321 units) ( or Gemini 2488)
BMM (Trader) Can carry 5018 units

52, 386,1058, 3321, 5018 gives me (I believe) a good range of cargo units without the need to buy another ship. Until I get into the Hull D and E range that is!

But I'm stuck on the Starfarer, I can't decide between the basic model or the Gemini. I have the upgrade but won't add it until I see the ships in hangar. For you Starfarer owners, Which model did you choose and why?  And for you pen and paper trader types, what sort of cargo ranges will you be starting out with and leading up to?


Quote from: Kal-Nor;408239Although Exploration is going to be my main role within the SC verse. One thing I'm very aware of is that the best exploration equipment won't come cheap and I still need to earn credits. The basic form for this will be cargo runs. (Either as a pay per job hauler or a enterprising trader)

So I've tried to vary my fleet by cargo size to ensure that I can take the next step up without needing to sink credits into buying the next ship up. In a perfect world this would be the full range of Misc Hull Ships, but I wanted ships for other roles. So I have this as my cargo range ships:

DUR (Solo Exploration) - Can carry 52 units
Hull B (Hauler) Can carry 386 units
Carrack (Group Exploration) - Can carry 1058 units
Starfarer  (Industry) Can carry 3321 units) ( or Gemini 2488)
BMM (Trader) Can carry 5018 units

52, 386,1058, 3321, 5018 gives me (I believe) a good range of cargo units without the need to buy another ship. Until I get into the Hull D and E range that is!

But I'm stuck on the Starfarer, I can't decide between the basic model or the Gemini. I have the upgrade but won't add it until I see the ships in hangar. For you Starfarer owners, Which model did you choose and why?  And for you pen and paper trader types, what sort of cargo ranges will you be starting out with and leading up to?

I too came to this conclusion but I hated the haulers in Elite so I went with something that could probably carry enough kit to pay for ammo, gas and beer on my fighter so went with a Cutlas.  As it has maneuverability and looks like it can throw out some pain if needed :)
"It's hard, but not as hard as Arma!!!" Tutonic
"Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.." Terry Pratchett


Not a Starfarer owner but if I were I would go with the Gemini. The extra protection at the cost of some cargo space would be acceptable as the BMM is standing-by for the bigger hauls.

I hate the grind of trading runs which is why I've decided to buy the ships I'll enjoy most in game. My BMM is to support the Org as and when it's needed.

But you've now got me thinking about exploration :g:

My exploration choices went from Connie --> Aquila --> Carrack but, as you point out, the DUR would make a great solo explorer whereas the Carrack is going to take a lot more effort in terms of crewing. My MIS is to support the Org in combat scenarios so I want to keep that. The Carrack does so much more than the DUR so I want to keep that too. But the DUR ... :g:
"War without end. Well, what was history if not that? And how would having the stars change anything?" - James S. A. Corey


I'm not sure if those cargo unit numbers are final just yet.  The Starfarer has had a huge increase in the internal cargo hold, and it's not clear whether the units include the cargo or are simply the volume of the storage tanks.

The choice between the two models ought to come down to the intended use of the ship: if you're planning on staying mainly in secure space, then the base model should suffice, but if you're expecting to foray into unsafe space then the Gemini could be worth choosing.


lol, I'm sizing up my Super Hornet compared to your BMM and I think I've decided your one is probably the better ship for carrying cargo. In terms of exploration the fact that my ship is a dedicated fighter means that I'm probably going to be the little ship that follows your big ship and then unleashes hell into any would be pirates. :D
"This team composition is draining my will to live" - Fellow Overwatch Players


Quote from: Dexterous;408248lol, I'm sizing up my Super Hornet compared to your BMM and I think I've decided your one is probably the better ship for carrying cargo. In terms of exploration the fact that my ship is a dedicated fighter means that I'm probably going to be the little ship that follows your big ship and then unleashes hell into any would be pirates. :D

Good man :)
"It's hard, but not as hard as Arma!!!" Tutonic
"Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.." Terry Pratchett


By the way, what is the dMw attitude to shooting down ejected pilots? Obviously I don't mean shooting down civilians but I'll give a scenario as an example.

Kal-Nor is lugging a load of expensive cargo to a nearby planet.
I'm in my Super Hornet with a couple of others escorting him/protecting him all the way to the planet.
Suddenly a band of pirates appear!
We go into a dogfight and I (being the brilliant pilot I am ;D) single handedly kill all the pirates except for one! He managed to eject before his ship was destroyed.

My question is, do I:
A) Say "Hasta la vista, baby!" and blow him out of the sky as retribution for his crime of piracy
B) Say "Come with me if you want to live!" and the escort and I bring him onto one of our ships so that we can later collect any bounty that had been placed on him.
C) Say "Bye!" and fly off, leaving him to drift through space.
End Scenario

As I said in the beginning, I wouldn't do this to civilians, but if that person was either a known, dangerous outlaw or someone that had just tried to kill us/rob us what would the expected response be from us?
"This team composition is draining my will to live" - Fellow Overwatch Players


My personal opinion is that it would be OK.

To borrow a term from EVE, I see dMw as being NRDS (not red, don't shoot), which means that we never shoot first unless it is against someone that we are at war with, but once shooting starts, it should be with extreme prejudice, and leave no survivors.


Quote from: Obsydian;408251once shooting starts, it should be with extreme prejudice, and leave no survivors.
I like your style :devil:
"This team composition is draining my will to live" - Fellow Overwatch Players


Quote from: Dexterous;408250By the way, what is the dMw attitude to shooting down ejected pilots? Obviously I don't mean shooting down civilians but I'll give a scenario as an example.

Kal-Nor is lugging a load of expensive cargo to a nearby planet.
I'm in my Super Hornet with a couple of others escorting him/protecting him all the way to the planet.
Suddenly a band of pirates appear!
We go into a dogfight and I (being the brilliant pilot I am ;D) single handedly kill all the pirates except for one! He managed to eject before his ship was destroyed.

My question is, do I:
A) Say "Hasta la vista, baby!" and blow him out of the sky as retribution for his crime of piracy
B) Say "Come with me if you want to live!" and the escort and I bring him onto one of our ships so that we can later collect any bounty that had been placed on him.
C) Say "Bye!" and fly off, leaving him to drift through space.
End Scenario

As I said in the beginning, I wouldn't do this to civilians, but if that person was either a known, dangerous outlaw or someone that had just tried to kill us/rob us what would the expected response be from us?

Personally I don't care what we do with pirates. I rate them as online trolls and think they deserve what they get. But in a war situation against another org I think it's better to leave them drifting along. First off I think there is more of a Honor situation, the other guy is only doing his job like you and deserves your leniency. Secondly, it a military inviroment and your enemy is more than likely to have a Hope medical ship in the area where the player can respawn. If you kill the pilot then you may be giving them a chance to get back into the game.

Quote from: OldBloke;408243Not a Starfarer owner but if I were I would go with the Gemini. The extra protection at the cost of some cargo space would be acceptable as the BMM is standing-by for the bigger hauls.

I hate the grind of trading runs which is why I've decided to buy the ships I'll enjoy most in game. My BMM is to support the Org as and when it's needed.

But you've now got me thinking about exploration :g:

My exploration choices went from Connie --> Aquila --> Carrack but, as you point out, the DUR would make a great solo explorer whereas the Carrack is going to take a lot more effort in terms of crewing. My MIS is to support the Org in combat scenarios so I want to keep that. The Carrack does so much more than the DUR so I want to keep that too. But the DUR ... :g:

The DUR makes a perfect single player explorer, after that we have a choice between the Carrack and Aquila. I really feel that having both of these ships will be a waste. I chose the Carrack as its a more dedicated ship. But the Aquila gives broader options and could possible still be a single player ship.


I'd follow Obsydian's line.   If pirates turn up and attack us then they will be terminated with extreme prejudice.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


I would point out that the pirate is a legitimate career choice within Star Citizen and is positively encouraged by CIG. They are building ships and game mechanics specifically to encourage and allow pirating. Some serious and respected gaming communities have already decided to play as pirates and have publically announced their intentions.

Some players will just be there to grief and do what they can to ruin other players game experience. Potentially pirating is a quick and simple way to just be a dick. I'd argue though that these griefers aren't actually playing as pirates, rather they are playing as psychopaths and killing anything they can for the enjoyment, as opposed to the financial reward.

But it's also quite possible to play sensibly as a pirate. Pirates are after stealing other peoples stuff. Proper pirates are going to weigh up the risk vs reward of any potential action. Will we be successful? Will we get caught. Will the expense of raiding another ship be sufficiently lower than the booty acquired?

As a character in the Star Citizen world we can hate on pirates as much as we like. But we need to remember that there is a real person sitting behind that character. If they are griefers trying to ruin everyone's day then I think we can happily Pod kill them. But if they are a serious player who has just chosen a different path to us then we should play fare and consider whether killing their character is a decent thing for one player to do to another.

Of course there's lot's CIG could do to effect Pod Killing, based on the long term effect it has on victims. I've been led to believe that it's going to be discouraged and we might see serious reputation hits if we do Pod Kill players, regardless of what their crime may have been committed. Something to keep an eye on and see if and how CIG implement deterrents or penalties to pod killing
Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


Yeah, I agree that it is a legitimate career path within the game but as for the consequences of pod killing, I was under the impression (though I do admit to having little knowledge of this so please correct me when I go wrong) that if the person had no serious charge to their name, was a civilian or if you were in civilised space you would experience harsh consequences. On the other hand, if you were in the out-skirts of space or were fighting a criminal with a serious record (violent piracy etc.) the consequences would be less when compared to the civilian.
Obviously you will know more about this than me but if you could post a quote or link to wherever you found the info that would probably help answer a load of questions. If you can't find the link then no worries, just interested to see an official view on it because right now all my own views are speculation.
"This team composition is draining my will to live" - Fellow Overwatch Players


I seem to be taking this thread way off topic. Sorry for that. Here's the link to what I believe is the latest comment about 'lives' in Star Citizen.

Whatever's gone wrong it's not my fault.


Quote from: Obsydian;408251My personal opinion is that it would be OK.

To borrow a term from EVE, I see dMw as being NRDS (not red, don't shoot), which means that we never shoot first unless it is against someone that we are at war with, but once shooting starts, it should be with extreme prejudice, and leave no survivors.

I'm of the same opinion.  It's pretty similar to how we operated in BSG, if someone starts something then we finish it.  If someone has beef with us then we deal with it accordingly.  We have to remember though that we are a member of PACT and need to be vigilant when engaging.

As far as pirates go, your here to pinch my stuff so although its part of the game I will do my upmost to stop them :)